Online Title Loans That Don’t Require The Car

Many people know how title loans work and what’s required for approval. But did you know you can get cash from a same day title lender without showing the car? In other words, it may be possible for someone living in Florida to get some money from their car’s equity without the lender seeing the vehicle! These loans are not typical; most companies will want to verify the car exists in person. But we’ll break down a few tips to help you get cash from car title loans without seeing the vehicle.

One way to apply for title loans without showing the vehicle is to bring photos or videos of the car. The video needs to show the inside and outside of the vehicle and it must show the car runs with no problem. Expect the same with photos; you must verify that the car runs and is in good cosmetic shape.

Another option is to bring in a recent repair bill or other documentation showing a recorded vehicle history and what was worked on. This helps appease the lender as they will know you paid for some service. The lender will also require the car title and your driver’s license or government-issued ID.

Be overly forthcoming in explaining why the loan underwriter can not see the car and give them other options to make them understand it exists. If you’re honest and have everything the lender needs, they’ll be more likely to approve your title loan!


Keep your vehicle with a title loan that doesn't require the car


What Are The Downsides of Title Loans With No Car Required

These vehicle title loans are great for someone who’s in a bind and can’t show the lender the auto for whatever reason. But ideally, you would bring the car and have it inspected by your lender. In terms of downsides that can be attributed to title loans with no car required, there are a few. The funding amount may be slightly lower than expected with a typical secured title loan. The lender may also charge a higher interest rate because they’re taking on more risk by being unable to see and inspect the vehicle.

If everything pans out and you’re approved for the title loan without showing the car, ensure you have a solid plan to repay the loan. These equity loans have interest rates that can be nearly 100% and those terms may even be higher if you’re not letting the lender view your car!


Auto Title Loans Without The Car Being Present

Remember, the car’s title is used as collateral or security for the loan amount. As always, please communicate with the loan underwriting team and let them know you’re interested in either first or second lien title loans that don’t require the car. Explain to them why you can’t bring in the car and why it’s not available to be seen. Offer other ways to confirm the vehicle exists; there should be no further issues with the vehicle verification process.

Fill out our online application to get started and get more information about car title loans without the vehicle being present. There are plenty of ways for anyone in Florida to verify the car does exist, and you don’t always show the lender your car!